
Showing posts from December, 2021

Dot.Com to Dot.Bomb ft. Dinosaurs?

     The Dot.Com to Dot.Bomb presentation was a very interesting learning experience. The internet and online presences has just getting big and no-one wanted to be left behind. During this burst companies such as f rom retailers, search engines, early social media ect. The use of of the dinosaurs was an interesting analogy because it showed how in order to survive you need to be adaptable. The professor used a plethora of companies as an example of and sticking to the dinosaur analogy he also had plastic dinosaurs for visual effect. The one thing that many should learn from this whole era is that being adaptable to technology and being able to foresee and plan for upcoming difficulties is a necessity when it comes to building a company.

Guest Speaker #2: Brian Forth

Brian Forth was the name of our guest speaker this week. He is the CEO of a company called SiteCrafting.  SiteCrafting was a company that started after the Dotcom bubble. Brian Forth created the site at that time  allowing SiteCrafting to have an advantage. Brian's   company has been around for about 20 years, they have had to survive competing against larger companies in the world. and for as long as this company has been in the game they only have 15 - 20 employees. The way they had managed to accomplish that was to make sure that they were in multiple different markets. Another tactic Forth uses is getting clients through referrals and also keeping clients longterm and maintaining relationships. That was also a contributing factor   in how the company stayed afloat during the pandemic. Since they had their clients ranged from different industries such as l ike hospitals, banks, zoos, cities, etc.  Another interesting fact I learned is that Brian Forth has a rule of not having mo

Kaleil Tuzman and Tom Herman star in a documentary about them starting a company, it’s rise,challenges and its ultimate end.   The documentary we watched in class ( ) was very interesting. Seeing how a startup company developed from being just an idea to arguing about a name to buying out partners and to multi million dollar seemed so easy to start business at that time. The documentary also showed the ups and downs of starting a business especially in partnership with other individuals. One the most interesting parts of the documentary was when Tom was fired. It wasn’t really a surprise because of the way they disagreed on a lot of things and with the way the business was heading. I thinks that one of the contributing factors of it not working out was that there were alot of competition and the market was saturated. Maybe things would have worked out if they could have expanded to other things or adapted used their lead to their advantage