
Dot.Com to Dot.Bomb ft. Dinosaurs?

     The Dot.Com to Dot.Bomb presentation was a very interesting learning experience. The internet and online presences has just getting big and no-one wanted to be left behind. During this burst companies such as f rom retailers, search engines, early social media ect. The use of of the dinosaurs was an interesting analogy because it showed how in order to survive you need to be adaptable. The professor used a plethora of companies as an example of and sticking to the dinosaur analogy he also had plastic dinosaurs for visual effect. The one thing that many should learn from this whole era is that being adaptable to technology and being able to foresee and plan for upcoming difficulties is a necessity when it comes to building a company.

Guest Speaker #2: Brian Forth

Brian Forth was the name of our guest speaker this week. He is the CEO of a company called SiteCrafting.  SiteCrafting was a company that started after the Dotcom bubble. Brian Forth created the site at that time  allowing SiteCrafting to have an advantage. Brian's   company has been around for about 20 years, they have had to survive competing against larger companies in the world. and for as long as this company has been in the game they only have 15 - 20 employees. The way they had managed to accomplish that was to make sure that they were in multiple different markets. Another tactic Forth uses is getting clients through referrals and also keeping clients longterm and maintaining relationships. That was also a contributing factor   in how the company stayed afloat during the pandemic. Since they had their clients ranged from different industries such as l ike hospitals, banks, zoos, cities, etc.  Another interesting fact I learned is that Brian Forth has a rule of not having mo

Kaleil Tuzman and Tom Herman star in a documentary about them starting a company, it’s rise,challenges and its ultimate end.   The documentary we watched in class ( ) was very interesting. Seeing how a startup company developed from being just an idea to arguing about a name to buying out partners and to multi million dollar seemed so easy to start business at that time. The documentary also showed the ups and downs of starting a business especially in partnership with other individuals. One the most interesting parts of the documentary was when Tom was fired. It wasn’t really a surprise because of the way they disagreed on a lot of things and with the way the business was heading. I thinks that one of the contributing factors of it not working out was that there were alot of competition and the market was saturated. Maybe things would have worked out if they could have expanded to other things or adapted used their lead to their advantage

Things I Would Not Buy Online.

Buying things and spending money has never been easier. I could buy something on amazon right now and get it tomorrow with little to know effort. But safe to say I have brought a lot of things online from clothes to shoes and tables and chairs. I have even bought technology such as tablets and laptops online from amazon and various tech stores. That being said a few things that I would not buy online is for one big household appliances, because well their expensive and a pain to return. Things like couches, TVs, dining room sets is something I would not buy online, even they are offered and I'm sure others do. Another thing I would not buy online is a car. I don't think that requires any explanation other than, well it’s a car. the Last thing I wouldn't buy online is a house or land. I think it’s kind of a given why, the most likely reason being that a house is a huge purchase and pictures are often changed and altered. And buying land online is probably a very dumb idea be

A Visit From Erik Hanberg

    I learned a lot from Erik Hanberg's visit. He spoke about his books, and it was amazing to hear how lucrative self-publishing is. It had me thinking about maybe publishing my own book and seeing the experiences firsthand. It was also very interesting to hear the many projects he is a part of and how it helped him grow. Being an entrepreneur is something and starting my own business is something I've always wanted to do. And something I am planning to do; I have helped start a few businesses with my brothers and help run them right now, but I want to start and run one myself. One thing I found interesting is that he had a backup plan for his books just in case Amazon changes up its algorithm and he doesn’t get as much traction. This was interesting to me because it cemented in the fact that you should never get too reliant and should always prepare to be able to cover your basis. Another thing I noticed is that in order to be successful you have to try and fail and keep on t

Apparently I'm Scarily Good At Stalking

The scavenger hunt was a fun assignment to have. It showed our stalker potential, and how scarily good we are at finding information. My partner and I decided that splitting the list was a more efficient way of getting it done, he worked on the last half and I, the first.  Some of the things on the list were easy to find, such as information on myself that isn’t a social media account, and the shopping cart items. I had a general idea coming into this assignment about how it would go. Finding information online is easy at times but can also be a bit frustrating when you are looking for specific thing. I, however, was very surprised at the amount of information that I was able to find, especially on the Professor (he probably should have not given us free rein on his information).  Finding out who the professors’ sisters were wasn’t the difficult part finding out who the middle sister was that was a whole other adventure in itself (that required looking for birthday post or congratulati

Spotting a Fake

     You know it is amazing how more and more advanced this world is getting. Deep Fakes in the past would have been akin to fraud. But it has become so wildly used and advanced to the point that it is hard to tell the difference between who is real and what is not. In the video it was explained to what length deep fakes can go. We have become so desensitized to it that we brush it off usually without a second thought. It is usually not difficult to spot a deep fake you just have to have a general idea of what you are looking for. Whether it be the smallest mistakes such as pronunciation of certain words, tone of voice especially when answers seem almost robotic, grammatical errors and so many other nuances you can usually pick up on. There are many ways to spot them. Most commonly its more about instinct. You usually know instinctually if something doesn’t seem right. I can almost always tell. Sure, nothing is always full proof and there is no sure way to check whether or not somethin