Apparently I'm Scarily Good At Stalking

The scavenger hunt was a fun assignment to have. It showed our stalker potential, and how scarily good we are at finding information. My partner and I decided that splitting the list was a more efficient way of getting it done, he worked on the last half and I, the first.  Some of the things on the list were easy to find, such as information on myself that isn’t a social media account, and the shopping cart items.

I had a general idea coming into this assignment about how it would go. Finding information online is easy at times but can also be a bit frustrating when you are looking for specific thing. I, however, was very surprised at the amount of information that I was able to find, especially on the Professor (he probably should have not given us free rein on his information).  Finding out who the professors’ sisters were wasn’t the difficult part finding out who the middle sister was that was a whole other adventure in itself (that required looking for birthday post or congratulations). The amount of information you can find on Facebook is alarming especially once you find the familial connection it basically become a whole web of connections which was fun to untangle. Overall, the scavenger hunt was a great learning opportunity in which I honestly scared myself.  I know I won’t ever be able to be completely untraceable on the web, but it has made me conscious about the information I put out there.



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