Things I Would Not Buy Online.

Buying things and spending money has never been easier. I could buy something on amazon right now and get it tomorrow with little to know effort. But safe to say I have brought a lot of things online from clothes to shoes and tables and chairs. I have even bought technology such as tablets and laptops online from amazon and various tech stores. That being said a few things that I would not buy online is for one big household appliances, because well their expensive and a pain to return. Things like couches, TVs, dining room sets is something I would not buy online, even they are offered and I'm sure others do. Another thing I would not buy online is a car. I don't think that requires any explanation other than, well it’s a car. the Last thing I wouldn't buy online is a house or land. I think it’s kind of a given why, the most likely reason being that a house is a huge purchase and pictures are often changed and altered. And buying land online is probably a very dumb idea because the factors and reasons you want the land and the qualifications you want it to meet can't be verified by descriptions you have to see it in person. Those are my top three things I would not buy online I wouldn't recommend anyone else buying those online either because in this day and age its easy to get scammed and these sort off big purchases where things are too good to be true are the main ways we get played.



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